unlimited Giveaway

Next giveaway pick on Feb 5th 2025

Everyone loves free stuff right? This is the perfect chance to get a free custom “crazy” mug, no budget limit, no boundaries, the craziest ideas are welcome! Complete all the steps and have the chance to win your dream mug!

I will pick a winner every 2 months from the application I received sing the very first opening of the giveaway so don’t worry if you don’t win on the fist round.

step 1

Follow my instagram account

step 2

Follow instruction on Instagram giveaway pinned post

step 3

Complete the form:

Giveaway Terms and condition:

1) You need to follow ViolaLederArtStudio on Instagram

2) Only ONE entry only for each Instagram follower will be taken in consideration , the Last one submitted. If you have multiple instagram accounts you can submit One entry per instagram account that follows me.

3) If there is no prompt response on instagram or email I will move on to the next participant.

4) This s a “Contest style” giveaway. I will arbitrarily pick the winner based on what your entry describe. Please elaborate on what you would want your item to look like. Some people entered one word entry those type of entries WILL NOT be taken in consideration. Even a brief description will help me envision what you would like and therefore pick a winner.

5) No refunds, or remakes in case the item is lost or broken in transit.

6) Your submission will be what I will use to base the design on, even though I will be happy to show you the preliminary sketch I will not completely redesign or change my vision for the giveaway. If you hate the result, you can decline to have the item shipped to you, you will not get a “consolation” price or other items as a substitution.

7) The more specific you are the most likely you will get something you want. I reserve the right to use just one part of your idea and create something unquie.

8) Check my Instagram account for daily updates.

9) This is an “infinite budget” giveaway, this means that your item would be quoted between $100-$400 if ordered as a custom order. My aim is to create a unique design rather than hit the $400 imaginary price tag.

10) UPDATED: I will periodically pick a mug in the list of the submissions , ( once every 2 month approximately ) this will means that your entered submission will have a chance to be picked in the future. Every time I am ready to do a new giveaway I will send an email with the required steps for win a mug.

11) There is no monetary involvement from your part, if you live outside the USA you may be required to pay customs. That will be your responsibility to cover those costs.

12) NO OBSENITIES . I will not do customs with obscene themes, violence, drugs, nudity or political affiliations.

13) This mugs will be used as Youtube recording opportunity for me, I will keep you anonymous , but I will read your mug description in the video.

14) You will receive the mug on the day or after the video is out, to avoid Spoilers.

If you have any questions please reach out on my Instagram or via email at Violalederceramics@gmail.com